So this week was an interesting one.
As many of you already know, an Elder in our mission was killed this week in a car accident. I did not personally know him, but the blow was felt all the same. A feeling of shock seems to be felt by all the missionaries. In my case, it has put a lot of things in perspective. Things are so short sometimes, and the only thing to do is to use them. I know that the Elder has returned to his God, and is now doing the work that God needs him to do over there.
Part of that change of perspective was used to define my life goals. It was interesting to see some of the changes then what they may have been before (if, to be perfectly honest, I had written the down before).
1. Finish my mission well
2. Get married in the temple
3. Finish my degree
4. Have a family
5. Be successful enough in my work to be able to help others as well as provide for my family
6. Send my kids on full time missions
7. Serve a mission with my wife
8. Endure to the end
I spent a little more time filling those goals out, but those are the basics.
I know that God has a plan for each of us. He knows what we should do to have the greatest measure of happiness in this life and the world to come. Part of humility is changing our plan to meet his.
This week has been good. We saw successes, and failures. We had surprises, good and bad. It was essentially a normal week in the Mission Work.
Best news this week, I went on divisions with our ZL`s. I did an interview for them, and spent the night in their area. Elder Ward showed me their Nerf guns, and (as you should be able to see in one of the pictures), he got me in the glasses. We had one of those days where everything was planned perfectly, and not a lot of stuff went perfectly. Elder Ward was a huge example to me, always thinking of something else to do so we stayed busy.
The other days of the week were spent doing normal stuff. The only other weird story is that on Sunday, an investigator offered to make us lunch. I don`t know if I ate to much, or the food was heavy, but neither I or my companion could keep our eyes open afterward. It was super good, but I was little embarrassed when I woke up (we ate it in the house thank goodness).
The only other weird thing that happened this week is that we received CELL PHONES! It was pretty cool and super useful. The only bad thing is that they have a very basic game, and it became a race to see who could beat it first. I did about 8 levels, and my companion did the other 42. He finished today, and I took the picture (to try to take credit). It was good to relax sometimes.
Elder Henrie