Things are good here in Por Venir.
I enjoyed a fun skype call yesterday with the family. I could see them perfectly, but it was a little hard for them to see me. It was great to see all the family.
I am good and happy here. I am working my but off, but that is when a missionary is happiest. I chase the baggy monster away by working and focusing on the basics.
It doesn´t mean that I´m not making plans. The other day as I listened to conference, Elder Oaks reminded me to make spiritual goals for when I return as well as physical goals. So I started reading up in the Book of Mormon of what the best missionaries do when they return home. It was an interesting study. I will share more of that later.
This week was full of a lot of work. We have been really busy and we are finding a lot of new people. We are also focusing on finding and trying to reactivate some less actives. There are a lot of great people here that are really acceptive.
I am enjoying life and I am happy.
Thanks for your prayers, I appreciate them.
Elder Henrie