Monday, January 6, 2014

Determined to go from good to great

Fun things this week, we have had this banana tree in our yard for a while, and we finally decided to cut them off this week. We cut the big one, and Elder Osmond told me to go cut off the other one. It turned out the other one wasn`t ready, but oh well! Apparently the branches have a lot of sap, and when you cut them they bleed. It got on one of my shirts, so I put stain stuff on it. I haven`t wasked it yet, so heres to hoping! We had to hang them up using some rope we found so they can dry out and get yellow (when we will eat them, all of them). We took a fun picture that shows the difference in the ones we caught. Though Elder Osmond´s was a communal effort (I had to catch the thing when it fell from the tree, its HEAVY). 

We also found time on P-day to play Rummikub with my adopted grandma (who loves it as much as my real grandma)  It was pretty fun and she felt pretty loved!

Other things, last night the stake did a concert called El Cordero de Dios. Which turns out to be a concert translated to spanish by Rob Garder (pause for Lyceum memory). We were asked to bring 10 investigators to it. So we made invitations, invited tons of people, and had the Bishop rent a bus....and no one could come. We waited as long as we could on the bus, but we had to leave. Apparently an investigator came right as we left, cause he called a girl on the bus asking where it was (Darn!). 

We also had the opportunity to have someone in church. We went to his house early, and he promised to come. Apparently he arrived at like 9:01, and church had started on time (crazy right!), so we had already gone inside. When we visited him after he told us he felt awkward entering the gate (quick explanation, because all the capillas here have iron fences, they have a gate, and then the door to the building. If he had walked up to the door, we would have seen him through the windows), so he left (another Darn!). 

It was a disappointing day, with every person failing to come one by one to the concert. I was kind of depressed, and I spent some time on my knees asking if there was something else I could have done. I felt that we had done good work, but that I can improve to do great work. So this week is rededication again, looking at every aspect of the work we do here, and deciding what works and what doesn`t and how to change it. Wish me luck with that! 

Another fun thing, we should be getting Zone T-shirts sometime this week! 

Thanks for the letters, I know I never (like never ever) reply to them so here is a quick shoutout. Thank you Mom, Melanie, Tyler, Grandma, Taylor, Jessica, Dad, and The Davis family (from my home ward)! 

I love you all and every day I feel your prayers.

Elder Henrie